The Auditory Modeling Toolbox

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GEORGANTI2013 - Binaural spectral-magnitude difference standard deviation according to Georganti et al., (2013)


difSTD = georganti2013(signal, P)

Input parameters

signal binaural input signal
sampling rate in Hz
Frame size in seconds
lower frequency (Hz) for the BSDM STD calculation
upper frequency (Hz) for the BSDM STD calculation

Output parameters

difSTD Binaural spectral-magnitude difference standard deviation (dB)


E. Georganti, T. May, S. van de Par, and J. Mourjopoulos. Extracting sound-source-distance information from binaural signals. In J. Blauert, editor, The Technology of Binaural Listening, Modern Acoustics and Signal Processing, pages 171--199. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013. [ DOI | http ]

E. Georganti, T. May, S. van de Par, and J. Mourjopoulos. Sound source distance estimation in rooms based on statistical properties of binaural signals. Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, IEEE Transactions on, 21(8):1727--1741, Aug 2013. [ DOI ]