The Auditory Modeling Toolbox

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EXP_GEORGANTI2013 - Figures from Georganti et al. (2013)



exp_georganti2013(flags) reproduces figures from Georganti et al. (2013).

The following flags can be specified;

'fig9' distance estimation for a small room
'fig10' distance estimation for a large room

The figures show the computed distance-dependent feature BSMD-STD (Binaural spectral-magnitude difference standard deviation) for audio signals measured at different/receiver distances.

The BSMD-STD may be derived from any dual-channel signal (binaural/stereo recordings).

The BSMD-STD is related to the standard deviation of the magnitude spectrum of room impulse response, which is known to depend on the source/receiver distance. See Georganti et al. (2013) for more information on applications.


To display Fig. 9 use


To display Fig. 10 use



E. Georganti, T. May, S. van de Par, and J. Mourjopoulos. Extracting sound-source-distance information from binaural signals. In J. Blauert, editor, The Technology of Binaural Listening, Modern Acoustics and Signal Processing, pages 171--199. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013. [ DOI | http ]

E. Georganti, T. May, S. van de Par, and J. Mourjopoulos. Sound source distance estimation in rooms based on statistical properties of binaural signals. Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, IEEE Transactions on, 21(8):1727--1741, Aug 2013. [ DOI ]