The Auditory Modeling Toolbox

Applies to version: 0.9.8

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BAUMGARTNER2014GRADIENTEXTRACTION - - Extraction of positive spectral gradients


[gp,gfc] = baumgartner2014gradientextraction(mp,fc)

Input parameters

mp spectral magnitude profile in dB
fc center frequencies

Output parameters

gp positive spectral gradient profile
gfc center frequencies of gradient profile


baumgartner2014gradientextraction(...) is a spectral cue extractor
inspired by functionality of dorsal cochlear nucleus in cats.


R. Baumgartner, P. Majdak, and B. Laback. Modeling sound-source localization in sagittal planes for human listeners. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 136(2):791-802, 2014. [ DOI ]